Design, Engineering, and Construction Oversight for Complex Chemical Manufacturing

Advocating for economic prosperity since 1992

The Sterling Group is devoted to helping its clients create economic prosperity for their businesses. With decades of experience in the design and construction of complex, specialty chemical manufacturing facilities throughout the globe, our experts can oversee your project from beginning to end.

We also provide operational training and preventative maintenance to our clients with an eye towards maximum efficiency and safety. In addition, the Sterling Group can provide ongoing consulting and product innovation support for your business after your facility is commissioned.


 Past Projects - Proven Results

Specialty Chemicals Manufacturing and Blending

Hutchinson, KS


Specialty Chemicals Manufacturing and Blending

Sterling, KS

Proprietary processes; no photos available.

Over-the-Counter Drug Manufacturing

Confidential Location


Pharmaceuticals Laboratory

Confidential Location

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Specialty Chemicals Blending



More photos coming soon.

Coming Soon

Specialty Chemicals Blending

Amman Jordan


More photos coming soon.

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Meet our Experts


Dr. Gene Zaid

Dr. Gene H. Zaid came to America as a young man from a Palestinian refugee camp with the hope of living the American Dream.  Through his perseverance to learn a new language as well as a new culture and his dedication to succeed he graduated from Kansas Wesleyan with a bachelor’s degree in Chemistry and Mathematics, after which he continued his education at Wichita State University pursuing his Master’s Degree in Chemistry will working full time to support his family.  Gene holds two doctoral degrees, one in Chemistry and one in Business Administration.

In 1982, he founded JACAM Chemical Company, starting the business out of the family garage.  He quickly built the business into one of the most respected manufacturing companies in the Oil and Gas industry all while continuing to develop new chemistries and pursuing his doctorate degree.  Gene is the author of over 60 US patents.

With the sale of JACAM in 2013 he turned his focus and his money from the sale to a project close to his heart and began developing products that will redefine oncology care and other serious diseases. He is the author to 10 patents devoted to pharmaceutical development with several being pursued internationally as well. He currently has numerous compounds in development with one product being in Phase 1 Clinical Trials.

Gene not being one to be idle and decided to focus some of his free time back on the industry he knows well and started GeoChemicals in June of 2019.  He is currently building a state of the art manufacturing facility in Hutchinson, Kansas while working with oil companies to provide superior products and problem solving to his customers.


Jason West

Jason West has dedicated his career to helping cofound and fund a host of manufacturing businesses as well as assisting in the growth and expansion of several more. He believes that complex manufacturing is “the primary engine of economic development for cities and countries; they serve as the bedrock of a prosperous society.” Mr. West relishes the challenge of leading companies through all the multifaceted aspects of progress from designing and constructing manufacturing facilities, product creation, fundraising, patent protection, and government approvals, to name a few. Mr. West holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Biology from Sterling College, a Juris Doctor degree from Vermont Law School and an MBA from Northwestern University.